Life is a daily struggle for the children living in the shanty town of Nellore, India. The poverty is so deep that it's heartbreaking to witness even children roasting and eating big rats just to survive. At Eternity & Grace, we believe in taking action to make a difference in the lives of these children. In 2021, we received a picture of this scene and immediately partnered with a small Christian Church and its members to bring real acts of love to those in need.
Our first challenge was to prepare a version of the Literacy Through the Bible program in Telugu, the local language. We then started meeting periodically with nearly one hundred children to provide a decent meal and an opportunity to learn to read and write in Telugu. The impact on their lives has been incredible, and we have received many heartwarming testimonies from parents.
At Eternity & Grace, we continue to invest funds and resources in preparing the material in Telugu and providing food for the children. However, we need more support to improve this project in Nellore. We aim to increase the number and frequency of days for activities with the children, as well as provide essential school supplies and equipment.
By supporting Eternity & Grace, you can touch the lives of hundreds of children in Nellore with a real act of love. Please consider sponsoring these children with your generous recurring support.
At Eternity & Grace, we are dedicated to helping you express your love and generosity through supporting children and adolescents in need around the world. These children require basic necessities such as education, nutrition, and protection, along with the affection and attention that every child deserves.
To achieve our goals, we need your help. By making a one-time or recurring donation, you can make a significant impact on the lives of thousands of children who lack access to these necessities. Your support is crucial to help us provide these children with the education and nutrition they need, along with the love and hope that they deserve.
By being a registered 501 c (3) non-profit organization, your donations to Eternity & Grace are tax-deductible. Come and be a part of making a positive difference and building a brighter future for children in need.
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